Capital East Phase One Leaseholder Association - About Us

Formed in late 2020 by a group of like-minded owner/residents determined to have a say in how over £1.3million of our service charges are spent every year.


Having secured the consent of over 60% of owners, we approached the freeholder, via our managing agents for formal recognition under the Landlord & Tenant Acts 1985 & 1987 and were granted this on the 22nd March 2021.


Those owners subsequently voted to appoint a managing committee of, currently, six members, to represent their interests in accordance with a comprehensive, written constitution. Committee members serve for twelve months and are unpaid volunteers.


The committee meets bi-monthly. A draft agenda is published ahead of each meeting to all members, who are invited to propose items for that agenda. Minutes are published to all members after each meeting.


The work of the committee covers all aspects of life at Capital East Phase One, from how are service charges are spent and preservation and enhancement of the value of our investment, to the quality of service we receive from our managing agents and other third-party contractors, the security of the development and the rights of our owner-occupier members and all other residents to enjoy peaceful use of their properties.


Our annual AGM, to which all members are invited, is held in April.


CEPOLA is a member of the Federation of Private Residents’ Associations (FPRA) A not-for-profit advice, support and lobbying organisation for private residential leaseholders and residents’ association.